Thursday, February 19, 2009

Art museum

yesterday say today i going art museum
so you can already guess who i am
i'm joy if your don't know
today was also my friend birthday
and it was also he unluckiest day
well sort of
first she was late for school
so tomorrow she got C.W.O
something to do with commuinity work
i not so sure
then after school she got remedia for chinese
and was late for the bus which was going to bring us to S.A.M
the museum thingy
so bad day for her
vwe went to the museum
then look at excibit
so nice
but got some work
which is simple
but it was done by ppl of the past
it was up for excibit
too bad we could not bring camera in
so i never take picture
cannot show you aLL;
I'm not really crying
oh well....
i aalways do my homework so fast one leh
hope someone else will blog

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