Monday, May 25, 2009


hey peeps
guess the good news


english paper
and suprisingly i pass my chinese
which almost no one did
so arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i started playin maple again
so anyway
i can't believe i failed
'the whales beached themselves'exp
was wat m y teach wrote beside
anyway i super angry
i so angry
but the good thing is
i myself noe i did not study
and was playin com 24/7
so i noe this is not my best
think positive
but so sad
my rival yue ning beat me and she said it to my face

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

joy here'=>

hey all
today got exams
was easy
very easy
but anyway
i always very careless
so pray for me
that i'll do well

Monday, May 11, 2009


check out my blog shop k

Sunday, May 10, 2009


group status:
and why?
i have no idea..but hey guys!!!
try to come for JYM ok?
dont go pon JYM. or i'll be really sad... :( seriously come on..
our group suddenly became really small...
come kay??

Sunday, May 3, 2009

mission trip

ok im super excited about going for the mission trip, mind you its not because i get to stay away from camp for one whole week, oh nonono far from that, its because i know why im going for the mission trip, to make a difference.

remember the song we sang just now (sunday 03 MAY 09?) making a difference? heres something i was thinking about on my way home..

"we want to run to the altar
and catch the fire
to stand in the gap between
the living and the dead"

what is this really saying? what are we really singing? obviously we know who the living and the dead are right? living being ourselves and the believers of Christ who are born again and alive in Him and the dead being the non-believers who are spiritually dead and dead to Christ. but what about the "gap"? what is standing in the gap? the answer to me is pretty obvious la.. to be that link between the two sides, to be the bridge that allows them to cross over into the living side, and we are all different parts of the bridge, some are the support. we pray for the people that are over on the other side, we pray for their needs, we pray that they come to know God. We support the top of the bridge of the "pathways" from the current and the elements of nature, we stand firm in our resolve to support God's cause. some of us are the "pathway" of the bridge, we guide and lead people into the living side. we allow them to follow us into the side of the living and so on. so all of you who really really want to go but cant, dont be dis-heartened. you play a super important part as well.. without your help we are like a bridge without support, we can collapse. we need each and every one of you.

also heres another part of the song..

"we will make a difference
bringing hope to our land"

we WILL make a difference. notice how its a proclaimation? its WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE and not WE'LL TRY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. why? to me la i feel its cos its not something that i want to give myself any "side door escape clause" i dont want it to be "oh i tried" in the end.. but rather i want to say i WILL make a difference and go out and do it. by saying i WILL i know i will do it for God and that i WILL trust God. that being said, God has really convicted me recently. i have not really been preparing for the mission trip spiritually. my QT has been inconsistent and generally i always felt i was too busy to be thinking about this whole mission trip. but God convicted me 3 times this week.. each time coming and telling me to get serious with Him.. once on tuesday when i went for dinner with Ps Henry and he spoke to me about the mission trip and really passed on what he had in his heart for JYM and the missions that we were going on. i caught the fire and God spoke to me, He told me that if i were to go on the mission trip, its time for me to get serious with Him again. and my answer was the same as always... ok i'll do it LATER.. and again on friday night, He spoke and told me to start to get serious with Him again.. and again my response was.. ok God, i'll do it LATER... but today was different.. i was lead to do my QT after service and God led me to Habakkuk chapters 1-2.. but especially to this verse.. Habakkuk 1 verse 5. at first i had no idea why it was so siginificant, but now i know why.. after Ryan shared, God revealed why He lead me to those chapters.

i feel strongly He wants us to go, look at the nations, watch and be utterly amazed at what He is going to do in our days, things that we would not believe even if we were told (thats a paraphrase of verse 5) Do we trust in God? do we believe that God can use these problems we are facing for His glory? do we trust in Him for protection? will we go and be devoted to shining His glory to the nation of Cambodia? that the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea? will we go?

for those of you who cant go, i urge you to pray that you can find a way to go..

YewGin, i dont know if you're reading this but i really feel you should consider going, be a part of this. i see alot in you my friend, you have a chance to reach out to many people, not just through this mission trip but in your everyday life. its a great calling.
Will you go?

Eunice, i also dont know if ur reading this but i'll be praying you are able to make it. this is something that i know will be huge because we're doing it not in our own capacity but in God's capacity. i know it may seem impossible but with God all things are possible, but even if His will is for you to stay here, i know that there is a reason. there are things to be done here as well, the harvest is at your doorstep, at your school. look and see what God will do through you in your school and in your life when you devote your life to Him, to allow Him to do His work through you. just watch and see what great things He has in store for you.
Will you go?

Yiann, i know you want to come and i really hope you'll give asking your parents another try. pray.. remember PUSH... Pray Until Something Happens. God has great plans for you, i've always believed it. your life is a special one, not because of the circumstances that allowed you to be here in Singapore with us, although i know that is no coincidence at all either, but because God formed you and knows you by name. simply because you are a child of God and you love Him, i see it in small things like how you handle situations when you're stressed to the way you conduct yourself in cell time.. continue to pray for God's calling and God's wisdom in your life.
Will you go?

Claudia, i think its time we re-doubled our efforts in praying for the group, those that are going and those who are not going. i believe that God has appointed you as cell leader of Willow for a reason and Willow can have no better leader than you. there is definately a purpose for you being the cell leader and leading us in this mission trip. im very excited for you and excited to see what God reveals to you and how God reveals Himself in a huge and wonderful way to you in the comming mission trip.
Will you go?

Daryl, Peace in and peace out.. but most of all.. Peace WITHIN.. God has grown you into a fine young warrior for Him.. but remember that in all things He is and always has to be number one. i've honestly never seen someone as young as you take to the leadership role as smoothly and as comfortably as you have.. i believe that God has a great plan for you in this coming mission trip and that you will learn alot more about yourself and about how important God is to you and what He has planned for your life. i honestly do.. im super excited to see what He reveals to you in this trip
Will you go?

Kara, i know that going for this mission trip may not be an easy experience for you.. but i know that there really is no coincidence you are going and i am super glad you are going for this trip. because i know that on this trip, you will see the glory of God displayed to you in more than just your normal everyday life. in more than just God being there for your needs, but in much more real ways.. and i know that your faith will grow exponentially after this trip.. for that i am extremely excited that you are going.
Will you go?

Collin, obviously i feel that there is no coincidence you joined our group when you did.. our group really needs a mentor and more people who are spiritually mature to guide us. and God has been using you mightily in JYM over these few years.. but do you dare to believe that in this mission trip God is going to break you down again, to bring you back to the basics of all things and from there, rebuild you into someone that is far greater than who you are now, not because of anything else but because you will learn to trust in Him more than ever before and because you will have a foundation that is impossible to move, a foundation that is placed there because of what you went through with God? i believe so..
Will you go?

Elliot, i think its time you really considered what is important in your life, what do you hold dear? your knowledge? or your love for God? i know its in there. it needs to be fed elliot, i know i may very well be in no place to say this.. but i feel that its really time for you to consider this seriously.. what do you come to JYM for? i know you know all the answers to the questions we pose you.. but the real question is something you have to ask your heart.. where does your love for God start and where does it end? i know its there because i've seen it.. i feel its time for you to really seek God again and find Him again.. He loves you elliot and He wants you back..
Will you go?

Wei Shern
A seeker's heart inside you. thats what i see, a heart that seeks for answers, that seeks not just for knowledge, not just for understanding, but for the truth. Jeremiah 29:13 thats my verse for you, you will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all your heart. seek God with your heart WS and im sure you will find Him. and find Him in a greater way that you ever thought possible. you will be so filled with His love that you will overflow. to the point of bursting, you will find the love you seek in God. the patience you desire in His presence and the joy you want in His love.
Will you go?

Amos, i know its been tough for you lately with all your work and your attachments and all that, but i really want to tell you im greatly encouraged by you. that despite your schedule, your tiredness and your work you still come back to JYM when you have free time.. if anything that just shows your love for God to me and it puts me to shame at times.. im really encouraged by you and with your devotion to your task at hand.. i feel strongly as i did all this time im praying for you that your mission field is your chosen field in cullinary. i still feel that God is building you up and training you daily to minister to the people in your work place and the people in your life. its a great calling Amos and i really know that you will do great things there.. i know God has a great plan for you where you are and i really am excited to see what He has in store for you.. Praise God for you brother..
Will you go?

Joy, even though you're not able to join us on sundays much anymore, i hear you still are trying to come and that makes me really happy, cos i know that it shows you have a desire to be with God's family and you have a hunger for God's word. thats always good and i really really and happy. continue to seek after God and pray for the people around you.. seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Continue to grow in Him
Will you go?

JiaYin, heh i have not forgotten you at all.. i've been praying for you daily and i still believe your parents will come to know God soon. even though you are unable to join us, i believe you are still strong in Him. I feel strongly that you and your sisters will lead your parents to Christ, i feel that it is what God has called you to do.. continue to pray daily for your parents and your siblings, also, remember to ask what is your role in the plans God has for your parents and ask Him for the wisdom to do what He wants you to do. God has always and will always be with you.. Trust in Him no matter how long it takes and you will see that He is faithful.
Will you go?

Brenda, needless to say the group really misses having you around. but i know that God has great plans for you where you are, I know that He is doing a work in you there in the UK and i pray everyday that you grow stronger where you are. i really feel that He has put you there for a reason and that you will come back to us stronger than ever. He has great plans for you.. i believe it..
Will you go?

Junxu, i've always looked up to you because you always seem to know where you are with God, and you're ready to admit when you've drifted and ready to share with us your struggles, i pray that you've really grown alot there in the US and that you'll come back to us with great stories of faith that will really inspire us to press on towards the goal! i really admire you brother and i feel that there is much to be done where you are
Will you go?

Gabrielle, you've never ceased to amaze me at how much energy you have and how enthu you are, the amount you changed over the year or so that ive known you speaks volumes about the work that God is doing in your life.. i know life can be hard at times and there are days where you're definate to feel like you're worthless but never listen to these lies.. you are special in your own way.. God created you the way you are and for good purpose! there is much work to be done where you are and much work to do where you're at.. I really hope you'll try to come for the mission trip.. i know it'll be big and if u can come you'll b a huge part in it
Will you go?

Natalie, the small one with many talents, and like the parable, use them wisely.. softspoken as you are.. i sense God has given you these gifts to not only glorify Him in your life as an expression.. but to help others, to bring them joy or comfort perhaps? i sense that God has put in you a great compassion for people as well.. i honestly hope that you will grow to be alot stronger in Him and that your days will really be given to Him as an offering and a living sacrifice.
Will you go?

ok i had to retype that like 4 times..kept losing it cos they say it couldnt be posted.. i am so gona learn to save next time.. urgh.. but guys really think about where we are now.. and how we're gona move forward, first as individuals, then as a group and then as a ministry.. its important that we all know where we are with God and start to go deeper into His word and into a much deeper relationship with Him.. God bless you all Willow..

I Will Go.. Will You?